Our Predictions for 2015

Every year, we make predictions for the coming year on green industry market conditions and merger & acquisition activity.  For a report on last year’s predictions, click here.

Here are our predictions for 2015:

General industry conditions – It will be another strong year for the green industry with revenue growth remaining in double digits.

Most industry segments will see solid growth.

Merger & acquisition activity will remain very strong, although there will be no “blockbuster”: deals.  Activity in the lawn care segment will increase significantly with TruGreen Lawncare resuming acquisitions and other buyers entering the market.

Franchising will continue to grow at a pace faster than the industry as a whole with franchise conversions being very popular.

Early in the year, Congress and the Administration will be on good behavior, trying to move forward Later in the year, things will deteriorate, but we will still see no government shutdowns or fiscal cliffs. We will also not see meaningful immigration reform despite growing frustration from the public.  We may see some positive movement on changes to Obamacare, but the administration will also be pushing hard for the increase in the minimum wage.